iPoPP - the International Projects or Partners PlaceiPoPP - the International Projects or Partners Place - is where educators and youth from around the world can find global learning projects and partners.

GlobalSchoolNet and eLanguages have joined forces to offer educators iPoPP, a state-of-the-art, worldwide e-learning platform, for multi-lingual, project-driven collaboration.  iPoPP gives educators a supportive community and easy-to-use tools that embrace the constructivist learning methodology, project-management principles, and future thinking strategies.

Browse Current Projects

  • There are 0 future projects that will begin in the coming weeks.
  • There are 1 current projects in progress; 0 of them are still accepting registrations.
  • There are 2717 archived projects that have been completed.

There are no pending projects at this time; please check back later.

There are no pending projects

Advanced Project Search

    Active Future/Current Projects
    Archived (past) projects

Select Age Range:
     STUDENTS K-12 - from
        years to years
     MIXED Ages - from
        years old to Adults
     ADULTS Only
     ALL ages

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Leave any section below blank to display all records in that category.

    Display projects that include these keywords (separate different keywords/phrases with commas):
    Search: Title or Summary     OR     Coordinator Last Name

SELECT projects associated with the following criteria or features (make no selection to display all projects in that category:

Curriculum Fit: select all that apply:

Physical Education/Sports
Social Studies

Information Technology
Vocational Education
Community Interest
International Relations
Multicultural Studies
English as Foreign Language

Collaboration Types Used: Mouse-over item to see definition, or click here to see more

Information Collection
Information Exchange
Database Creation
Live Expedition
Pooled Data Analysis
Electronic Publishing
Interpersonal Exchange
Electronic Appearance or Q & A
Expert Mentoring
Intercultural Exchange
Travel Buddy

Global Classroom
Problem Solving
Information Search
Peer Feedback
Parallel Problem Solving
Sequential Creation
Virtual Meeting or Gathering
Social Action

Technology & Information Types Used: select all that apply:

Exchange Technologies
Email, List server
Live Audio/Video Conference
Live Text Conference: IRC,Chat,IM
Desktop Document Sharing
Discussion Forum
Postal Mail
Student created Webs
Digital Portfolios

Voice over IP
Information Types
Database: data, analysis
Text: stories, essays, letters
Graphics: photo,draw,paint
Spreadsheet: data, analysis
Audio: files, clips, CDs, tapes
Video: files, clips, CDs, tapes
Cultural Packages via postal mail